Various - Music From Saharan Whatsapp LP
Another entry in this excellent series from the Sahel Sounds label, where
they put the word out for contributors to send their music to a Whatsapp
group and showcase it on Bandcamp. This in turn delivers some of the most
exciting acts in the Sahel playing music, including Nigerién techno, wedding
rock, Woodabe guitar, WZN, traditional music, Mandingue music, and more.
This LP is essentially a Best Of, and it's amazing!
they put the word out for contributors to send their music to a Whatsapp
group and showcase it on Bandcamp. This in turn delivers some of the most
exciting acts in the Sahel playing music, including Nigerién techno, wedding
rock, Woodabe guitar, WZN, traditional music, Mandingue music, and more.
This LP is essentially a Best Of, and it's amazing!