Round and Round Records Vinyl Emporium
Agitation Free - Malesch LP
Al-Qasar - Who Are We? LP
Alien Nosejob - The Derivative Sounds Of... LP
Altin Gun - Ask LP
Ash Ra Tempel - Schwingungen LP
BadBadNotGood - Late Night Tales 2LP
Bananagun - Why Is The Colour Of The Sky? LP
Bardo Pond - No Hashish, No Change Money, No Saki Saki 2LP
Baris Manco - Nick the Chopper LP
Basic - This Is Basic LP
Beings - In The Garden LP
Bill Fay Group - Tomorrow Tomorrow & Tomorrow 2LP
Bitchin Bajas - Bitchin Bajas 2LP
Black Angels - Live At Levitation LP
Bo Anders Persson - Love Is Here To Stay 2LP
Box The Jesuit - Bloody Mary EP
Brant Bjork - S/T LP
Butthole Surfers - Live PCPPEP EP
Butthole Surfers - Rembrandt Pussyhorse LP
Cam Butler - Solar LP