Tony Conrad
Tony Conrad - Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain 2LP
For its 1972 premiere at New York's The Kitchen, Ten Years included Conrad
on violin as well as Rhys Chatham and Laurie Spiegel performing on
instruments of the composer's own making. Chatham played the Long String
Drone – a 6-foot long strip of wood with bass strings, electric pickup, tuning
keys, tape, rubber band and metal hardware – while Spiegel carried
out an arrhythmic bass pulse throughout. It's the quintessential Tony
Conrad work.
on violin as well as Rhys Chatham and Laurie Spiegel performing on
instruments of the composer's own making. Chatham played the Long String
Drone – a 6-foot long strip of wood with bass strings, electric pickup, tuning
keys, tape, rubber band and metal hardware – while Spiegel carried
out an arrhythmic bass pulse throughout. It's the quintessential Tony
Conrad work.