Orquestra De Las Nubes
Orquestra De Las Nubes - The Order Of Change LP
Orquestra De Las Nubes were the Spanish duo of Suso Saiz and
Pedro Estevan. Suso's work has been documented by the MFM
label, and this one culls together various tracks from their '80s/
'90s output: gorgeous washes of synthy sounds with electric
drum patters, occasional female vocals and THAT MFM
sound. Strike another one up for all involved.
Pedro Estevan. Suso's work has been documented by the MFM
label, and this one culls together various tracks from their '80s/
'90s output: gorgeous washes of synthy sounds with electric
drum patters, occasional female vocals and THAT MFM
sound. Strike another one up for all involved.