Living Eyes
Living Eyes - S/T LP
Originally released in 2013, this went out of print on vinyl almost immediately and has since become highly coveted for fans of rip-roaring Geelong rock & roll and fans of the Anti Fade label (as are we!!) in particular. Well, it's 2020 and it's back in print - and thank fugg! The band were YOUNG at this stage, barely out of high school, and I'm pretty sure some were still in high school, but this assured debut is masterfully mature in all the right ways and beautifully juvenile in all the correct ways, too. Got me? It's garage, it's punk, it's got a '60s vibe, but it's by no means some lame "retro" garage throwback. It's got the genuine grunt of punk rock but with the fuzz and snot of the early Pretty Things or the Seeds and it really is bloody magnificent. Enough gushing - you need it!