Golem - Orion Awakes LP
Was this recorded in 1976 or 1996? Who knows? It was
never released until the mid '90s, though Kraut expert Alan
Freeman reckons he saw a copy in the mid '70s. Regardless,
it's great, trippy space-rock in a kind of Hawkwind/
Amon Duul 2/Cosmic Jokers vein, so quit arguing
and just listen to its kosmik vibes, ya dig?
never released until the mid '90s, though Kraut expert Alan
Freeman reckons he saw a copy in the mid '70s. Regardless,
it's great, trippy space-rock in a kind of Hawkwind/
Amon Duul 2/Cosmic Jokers vein, so quit arguing
and just listen to its kosmik vibes, ya dig?