Doe St.
Doe St. - S/T LP
Is it an LP? I mini-LP? It's of decent length and it's GREAT, so it
shouldn't matter. Doe St. are a new garage rock & roll outfit from
Rye, featuring Arron from The Stiff Richards, who also released it
on his unreal Legless label. Less aggressive in sound to his other
band, they have a real twang in a bit of a Dick Diver/
RVG vein with great, real-life lyrics.
shouldn't matter. Doe St. are a new garage rock & roll outfit from
Rye, featuring Arron from The Stiff Richards, who also released it
on his unreal Legless label. Less aggressive in sound to his other
band, they have a real twang in a bit of a Dick Diver/
RVG vein with great, real-life lyrics.